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Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.


Suro and Ayaka served as the Creative Arts Pastors at myChurch in Jacksonville, Florida, from 2017 until 2022 where they helped build and train a successful worship team, and production team. Years ago God called them to minister not just to the Japanese people, but also to the Japanese Christian community. Now they are in Japan and walking in their calling. 




箴言 知恵の泉 27:17



2017年から2022年まで、フロリダ州ジャクソンビルにあるmyChurchにてCreative Artsパスターとして賛美チーム、




Japan Traditional and Modern.jpg

Our Mission

We believe God wants to move in Japan in His powerful and unique way. God is a creative God and He created us to be creative for Him. Japan is a land of deep traditions intermixed with cutting edge technology.  Our goal is to help create opportunities for God to be glorified in a uniquely Japanese way: Incorporating Tradition and Technology.



Our Vision

Casa Lopez Music exists:

1. To create original Japanese worship music

2. To encourage and help Japanese worshippers who have a song in their heart to bring that song to life.

3. To help provide creative and innovative ideas for churches and worship teams

4. To create an encouraging and nurturing community of worship leaders, singers and musicians in Japan

      Casa Lopez Music のビジョン

  1. オリジナルの日本語賛美を創る

  2. 曲を作りたい思いのある日本の賛美者達がその曲を生み出せるように励まし、サポートする

  3. 教会や賛美チームにクリエイティブで革新的(イノベーティブ)なアイデアを提供する

  4. 日本の賛美チームリーダー、賛美チーム、ミュージシャン達が励まし合い、成長し合えるコミュニティを作る

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